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The official website. Pay extra close attention to the feature guides, they’re what I’ve looked at more than anything else on the site along with the JavaScript and configuration references. They can be slightly annoying to understand and navigate but once it clicks they’re actually quite logical and useful.

The official website for version 2. At the time of writing: it’s the website that’s in beta, Tauri v2 is still in alpha! It’s missing a lot of documentation still, but the most important parts are there, namely how you get up and running with version 2. We’re working on it!

The generated documentation for the Tauri crate. God I love Rust for having such nice documentation generated by default. Tip of the day, there’s site settings you can use that let you pick the Ayu dark theme and showing line numbers, it makes the site feel much more modern for some reason to enable those.

The actual source code. Takes a while to get familiar with but it’s worth digging into if you really can’t figure something out. Who knows, you might even find something you want to fix and can make a PR for it! I use the GitHub search feature a lot when I dig through it, something you have just as much access to as I do. Note that I fork Tauri and make PR’s just the same as the next person, I don’t have some special magical way of making PR’s to Tauri, there is no special sauce, you and I are equals in our access to Tauri!