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A picture of Simon Hyll!

I’m Simon Hyll, also known as that weirdo you saw online that one time. I’m a proud member of the Tauri Working Group and have been with the project since it was still in its beta stages. Already then I was experimenting with getting the company I worked for to use Tauri, largely because I was tired of Cordova which I had used for many years before it started to get increasingly abandoned, and I was learning Rust at the time so Tauri felt like the obvious choice for us. I had a lot of freedom to pick and choose frameworks and was happily allowed to do so.

Everyone is new at some point and in my search for support I found the official Discord server. There I received help numerous times from one of the pillars of the Tauri community Fabian and was so inspired by him that I started trying to assist others in the community as much as I could. Over time I decided I wanted to do more than just offer community support, I wanted to contribute code to the project, something tangible that would result in my name being forever attached to the project. Sadly, I didn’t know enough Rust at the time to make any worthwhile contributions to the core project. Luckily however there was a Discord bot called “Tauri Bot” which was written in TypeScript, a language I was far more familiar with. I decided to check it out and with the assistance from Lorenzo, another pillar of the community, I got set up with updating and developing the bot. It was during this time that Lorenzo proposed I join the working group, shortly after which Daniel, one of the co-founders, reached out to me and offered me to join, which I of course happily accepted.

Lots of people seem to be confused when I say that I don’t work for Tauri. In reality I work for a company called Cygni, part of Accenture as a senior software developer. The main reason I think people are confused is because they see me online in the server so much, surely it’s got to be a full-time job what I do. But in reality no, I just really enjoy doing it and have no problem doing my daily work while keeping a Discord tab open in case someone decides to poke me. Any help you get from me is unpaid and straight from the heart of another developer who knows the struggles of being new.